Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Paradox and Healing

    My quest in the Healing Earth Garden for the day was how to bring loving awareness to emotions, thoughts and actions that I clearly want to avoid. When I avoid these things I self-righteously justify myself, or become upset at the other person’s reaction. This is the behavior I am trying to change.
   One station in the Earth Garden is the Infinity Walk, the symbol for infinity marked out with a border of rocks in the sand. The interwoven circles seemed to contain both the problem and the solution. The question and the answer are flowing into each other creating an eternal balance.
   I realized that the simple willingness to ask the question was one tiny step toward a shift in behavior. Letting go of being right or wrong melted my fear and gave myself a break from my own limitations.
   I need to open the door before I cross the threshold.

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