Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Paradox and Healing

    My quest in the Healing Earth Garden for the day was how to bring loving awareness to emotions, thoughts and actions that I clearly want to avoid. When I avoid these things I self-righteously justify myself, or become upset at the other person’s reaction. This is the behavior I am trying to change.
   One station in the Earth Garden is the Infinity Walk, the symbol for infinity marked out with a border of rocks in the sand. The interwoven circles seemed to contain both the problem and the solution. The question and the answer are flowing into each other creating an eternal balance.
   I realized that the simple willingness to ask the question was one tiny step toward a shift in behavior. Letting go of being right or wrong melted my fear and gave myself a break from my own limitations.
   I need to open the door before I cross the threshold.

The Healing Earth Garden

     The Healing Earth Garden at Madre Grande Monastery is a project inspired by discussions around the kitchen table in my friend Olga’s house. We were pondering how to maintain our connection with the Great Spirit while practicing life. My friend was illumined by a powerful, simple suggestion: “Ask the Healing Earth!” A few days later she came up with a written plan that I eventually manifested at Madre Grande Monastery.
    To my friendship with her I want to dedicate this coming year of my experiences in the Healing Earth Garden.
   The garden consists of nine stations, each one centered around an oak tree.
Nine elements, or facilitators, are used to support the experience of healing from the Earth: cleansing smoke, water, sound, earth breathing, magnetic power, texture, natural patterns, play, and infinity.
In the middle of the garden there is a small pyramid of rocks. The seeker presents her or his intentions and prayers to the Great Spirit.

The journey starts at the station that is most inspiring to the individual, and follows the healing circle in an Earthwise (counterclockwise) direction.
The Healing Earth Garden allows one to spend time in deep meditation with nature. By grounding through one’s heart, mind, intuition, senses and knowledge, participants draw nourishment directly from the Mother of us all-- the Earth itself.
   On January 1st 2016, I practiced “doing absolutely nothing” in the Healing Earth Garden. This is a practice that, ironically, I had on my “To Do” list for almost four years.
The connection with nature came easily. Birds devoted themselves to acrobatic dances through the reddish sunset air, the oak tree branches became solidified smoke, and the soil covered in dry grass and oak leaves appeared as an immense sensitive skin.
   The teaching that runs through my blood is this: reconnect gently and slowly with Mother Earth, and accept her precious gifts over my own thoughts and reactions.
Throughout the year I will be working with the Healing Earth Garden on my own journey, and sharing the experience and lessons as I find them. Perhaps you can join me and we can help heal each other with the strength and love of our Mother.

Newsletter March 2016

Hello! And thank you for visiting Madre Grande Monastery's blog, our home for upcoming events. 

Madre Grande Monastery is the international headquarters of The Paracelsian Order, a California non-profit corporation. The Order's purpose is to be a religious, theosophical, monastic, healing and teaching order. The Monastery land is treated as a natural preserve and ceremonial grounds for a myriad of spiritual expressions. "Madre Grande" means Great Mother and we see that as sacred and holy land.   

Upcoming Events at Madre Grande Monastery 

                          Women’s Inipi (Sweat Lodge)

Saturday June 4th 2016, 10am-5pm

Experience healing in a circle of sacred women and sisters, just like you! Learn the wise Medicine Wheel Teachings to release past pain and replace it with joy, confidence and bravery.
Our Lodge leader, Roberta "Mama Bear" Moon, carries ceremonies and teachings from husband Hawk Moon and his family. She has been pouring lodge and sharing teachings for over 20 years. She will be supported by the female members of the Medicine Shield Strong Heart Society committed to keeping the circle safe and prepared for your healing journey. 

Suggestions for an Enriched Day

Please wear a long skirt and a shirt with sleeves and bring a towel for inside the lodge - these items will get dirty. Come hydrated and bring extra water. Please, bring an extra change of clothes and a clean towel (to dry off with) since lodge wear will be wet and muddy. Cold shower and toilet available. Please also bring a dish of your choice for our post lodge potluck (note: we do not provide a way to heat or keep food cold). Suggested donation of $60 will be collected at arrival - cash or check only. Make check out to Roberta Moon.

Item Checklist:
2 towels
Wear a long Skirt and T-Shirt
Extra clothes and jacket
Bottles of water
Favorite dish to share
Donation: cash or check made out to Roberta Moon
Please send any questions via Messenger or call 951/609-1415.

Intro to Life at Madre Grande Monastery 101
 The Beginning Course

  Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in a Monastery? Whether you've been to Madre Grande for one of our festivals, spiritual retreats, gatherings, or sweat lodges, or if even you've never heard of us, here is your chance to experience life at Madre Grande Monastery for a weekend. Join the monks and participate in our meals, work, prayer, and meditation, and have the opportunity for a full encounter with Mother Nature and the daily rhythm of the Monastery. 

The program starts with brief tour before dinner on Friday, followed by an introductory talk in the evening on the history and purpose of Madre Grande Monastery and the Paracelsian Order. Saturday will include Yoga/Reiki/Meditation 7-8, breakfast 8-9, two hours of karma yoga service work, lunch, and then a study group from 2-3. There will also be time before and after dinner for wandering the trails, exploring the hills, utilizing our extensive library, or more in-depth personal discussions. Sunday includes Yoga/Reiki/Meditation 7-8, breakfast 8-9, karma yoga service, lunch, and further wanderings, explorations, and discussions. This special opportunity comes the second weekend of every month at a cost of $100 per person, and includes a two night stay in the main house and all meals.. Please call 619-468-6869 or e-mail Check out for James Lefevour's personal experience with Madre Grande Monastery 101.  Space is limited to six participants per weekend, so sign up now for your chance to find out what life is like at Madre Grande Monastery

Kindred Spirit Meet-Ups

Saturdays, 2 pm 


 Join us on Saturdays for free group activities such as meditation, herb walks, hiking, yoga and much more.

Our "meet - ups" are a great way to get to know the monastery and explore the beautiful mountain.


Also on Saturdays we offer a Study Group. The monks and friars have organized a presentation on various topics including theosophy, spirituality, meditation, herbal medicine, and more! The presentation runs for an hour, beginning at 12:30 p.m. After a 30 minute break for snacks, the group resumes at 2 pm for feedback, questions, and discussion. There is no cost to attend the study group, but donations are accepted. See the schedule for upcoming topics.

Healing Earth Retreat
Second Saturday of each Month

 The Earth is a most wonderful healer and teacher. Don’t worry if you can’t meditate for hours. With the Healing Earth Retreat, Madre Grande Monastery is providing a series of nine element meditations. You will experience cleansing smoke, water, sound, earth breathing, magnetic power, the gift of texture, shells, your inner child, the infinity walk and inspiration from the Great Mother.

Inipi Ceremony Saturday,
April 16th 2016

Traditional Lakota Sweat Lodges take place the third Saturday of the month. Join us for an afternoon of healing and release.
Followed by a pot-luck. Suggested donation is $60.  Learn more @

Volunteer at Madre Grande Monastery 

We have  many projects on the grounds that require attention and hands. If you'd like to share your time and talent, we're always looking for volunteers.

Can't make it up here? We are also in need of monetary donations of any amount to cover the costs of our many projects.  Remember that all donations are tax deductible!

Let's Connect!

Madre Grande is available to host groups for retreats or workshops. Share your ideas with us and we will work with you! Join our Facebook group.

Visitors and those interested in spiritual retreats are asked to call 619-468-6869 or email for reservations and more information. Thank you for reading our newsletter! Many Blessings from Madre Grande Monastery.