Sunday, August 30, 2015

Newsletter - August 2015

Hello! And thank you for visiting Madre Grande Monastery's blog, our home for upcoming events. 

Madre Grande Monastery is the international headquarters of The Paracelsian Order, a California non-profit corporation. The Order's purpose is to be a religious, theosophical, monastic, healing and teaching order. The Monastery land is treated as a natural preserve and ceremonial grounds for a myriad of spiritual expressions. "Madre Grande" means Great Mother and we see that as sacred and holy land.   

Upcoming Events at Madre Grande Monastery 

Madre Grande Monastery - 40th Anniversary Reunion

We are inviting former Monks, Friars, Residents, and special friends for a festive gathering this September 18-20th.
Friday, September 18th
          Afternoon:  Gathering, welcoming, and reunion
          Evening: Community dinner, opening circle, ceremony, sharing.
Saturday, September 19th
          Early Morning:  Meditation and community breakfast.
          Late-Morning/Afternoon:  Workshops, classes, sweat lodge, healings, ceremony, conversations, tours, exploration.
          Evening: Community dinner, live music with " Lilly and Friends Kirtan Band", ceremony, dancing, drumming, celebration.
                            Sunday, September 20th
          Early morning:  Meditation, community breakfast.
          Late morning/Early-afternoon: Madre Grande story sharing, closing circle

Camping will be available for weekend guests, who are expected to be essentially self-sufficient, please bring your meditation pillows, chairs and other necessary equipment.  Two community dinners and two breakfasts will be available.    If you are unable to stay the entire weekend or overnight, you’re welcome to come for the day. RSVP required by September 15 at 619-468-6869 or        

Intro to Life at Madre Grande Monastery 101
 The Beginning Course

  Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in a Monastery? Whether you've been to Madre Grande for one of our festivals, spiritual retreats, gatherings, or sweat lodges, or if even you've never heard of us, here is your chance to experience life at Madre Grande Monastery for a weekend. Join the monks and participate in our meals, work, prayer, and meditation, and have the opportunity for a full encounter with Mother Nature and the daily rhythm of the Monastery. 

The program starts with brief tour before dinner on Friday, followed by an introductory talk in the evening on the history and purpose of Madre Grande Monastery and the Paracelsian Order. Saturday will include Yoga/Reiki/Meditation 7-8, breakfast 8-9, two hours of karma yoga service work, lunch, and then a study group from 2-3. There will also be time before and after dinner for wandering the trails, exploring the hills, utilizing our extensive library, or more in-depth personal discussions. Sunday includes Yoga/Reiki/Meditation 7-8, breakfast 8-9, karma yoga service, lunch, and further wanderings, explorations, and discussions. This special opportunity comes the second weekend of every month at a cost of $100 per person, and includes a two night stay in the main house and all meals.. Please call 619-468-6869 or e-mail Check out for James Lefevour's personal experience with Madre Grande Monastery 101.  Space is limited to six participants per weekend, so sign up now for your chance to find out what life is like at Madre Grande Monastery

 Chakra Camp
October 10-11, noon to noon

Chackra Camp, created by Shawna Schenk in 2014, will take place this year at Madre Grande Monastery.  The gathering is San Diego's first yoga and live music camp out celebrating the San Diego Yoga community. Only 15o tickets for sale.

Contact Shawna with any additional questions at

Saturday schedule:

Sunday schedule:

Kindred Spirit Meet-Ups
Saturdays, 2 pm 

  Join us on Saturdays for free group activities such as meditation, herb walks, hiking, yoga and much more.
Our "meet - ups" are a great way to get to know the monastery and explore the beautiful mountain.

Also on Saturdays we offer a Study Group.
The monks and friars have organized a presentation on various topics including theosophy, spirituality, meditation, herbal medicine, and more! The presentation runs for an hour, beginning at 12:30 p.m. After a 30 minute break for snacks, the group resumes at 2 pm for feedback, questions, and discussion. There is no cost to attend the study group, but donations are accepted. See the schedule for upcoming topics.

Healing Earth Retreat
Second Saturday of each Month

The Earth is a most wonderful healer and teacher. Don’t worry if you can’t meditate for hours. With the Healing Earth Retreat, Madre Grande Monastery is providing a series of nine element meditations. You will experience cleansing smoke, water, sound, earth breathing, magnetic power, the gift of texture, shells, your inner child, the infinity walk and you will come out of them a grounded person. When thinking stops, transformation and wisdom begin.

Inipi Ceremony Saturday,
September 19

 Traditional Lakota Sweat Lodges take place the third Saturday of the month. Join us for an afternoon of healing and release.

Followed by a pot-luck. Cost is $60. Learn more @

Sun Center Project

The monks have been working hard to update the Sun Center for expanded use. 
They have put on a new roof and rearranged the interior. 
The Sun Center still needs minor repairs and final touches. We have created a wish list for items to finish the Sun Center.

  -Brown wood stain
  -Brown or tan linoleum
  -Rafia/bamboo rugs

 If you can donate any of these items, please let us know! 
Thank you Willie for donating white paint to us!

Volunteer at Madre Grande Monastery 

We have this and many projects on the grounds that require attention and hands. If you'd like to share your time and talent, we're always looking for volunteers.

Can't make it up here? We are also in need of monetary donations of any amount to cover the costs of our many projects.  Remember that all donations are tax deductible!

Let's Connect!

Madre Grande is available to host groups for retreats or workshops. Share your ideas with us and we will work with you! Join our Facebook group.

Visitors and those interested in spiritual retreats are asked to call 619-468-6869 or email for reservations and more information. Thank you for reading our newsletter! Many Blessings from Madre Grande Monastery. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What does the Sage say?

The Full Moon holds the spotlight for the White Sage (Salvia Apiana) plant. Her silvery leaves become luscious and plump with life energy. She revels in her essence, which is gladly shared with gentle visitors of the night.
          To capture her essence my brother, on a cool winter night, sought out the plant at Madre Grande Monastery, where I live, in the hills of San Diego County, California.  He communed with the Sage, promised his intent to do no harm to her, and was offered several bunches of leaves. Under the magic of lunar illumination he placed water and sage leaves into a glass jar, and mixed them with peace, joy, and understanding that we are all one. Full Moon tea was brewed.
We enjoyed the tea next day with a group of friends who wanted to know more about southern California native plants. Under the guidance of these generous plants, which form the very soil we walk on, in which our food grows, our awareness began to expand. The circle of life was starting to take shape in our hearts and become a reality in our consciousness.

 After we sipped the tea, we were guided to have alone time and visit with the White Sage plants in the garden, deepening our connections with the plant realm. Here are some of the shares that happened that afternoon:
Mille – I enjoyed the Moon tea, its aroma is subtle and powerful in a homeopathic sense. Although I can still feel the effect of jetlag (Mille was visiting from Hague) I feel refreshed, attentive and calm in the same time. The plant I sat by taught me about generosity.
Marty – Plants don’t speak English. They speak intent – life force. The biggest obstacle in establishing a relationship with plants, or any other being for that matter, is the unconscious projection of our own thoughts upon them. They know a lot more about some things than we do, for example how to make the best out of the environment they are in.
Sally – I told my plant: “I know you! You survived a lot!” and we sat together in silence like two very good friends.
Amy – I remembered that I can pluck one of my hairs (Amy has a beautiful, long, blond hair) and offer it to the plant before I pick any leaves or flowers, in recognition of the sacred exchange.  I thanked my plant for the strength that she shared with me beyond words.
Radu – Something from the plant came out and purified me like a filter. I was not the only one cleansed that way, the whole environment seemed clarified and fresh because of the plant’s presence.
James – I saw my plant like a tree, as if it had big plans for the future. I congratulated it: “Way to go!” I also had the impression that some plants were working as a group. They felt the need to be positive as a unit. The group was formed to make sure they absolutely transmit positivity to me. This was a very vulnerable type of exchange because if I would have chosen to be negative, that would have hurt the plants.
Monica – After I offered tobacco to my plant, I asked for guidance in my relationship with a friend. I sat on the dirt with my eyes closed in a dream like state. I clearly saw three plants: a Matilija Poppy, the feathered like styluses from Mountain Mahogany, and a Yellow Rose. I felt certain that if I allowed these plant images to mingle with my thoughts while conversing with my friend, the misunderstandings were reduced to a minimum while respect and ability to listen were blooming.
I learned that afternoon that the environment speaks to us, especially when we are still and connected to our spirit. When we share our life consciously with our habitat our attention is trained, and many stories are born. Dare to get out there and explore your own connections with Nature. It is always worth it!