Sunday, May 31, 2015

Song for Madre Grande

 Martin Hippie - author
     The longer I sit the further I go
     The less I think the more I know
     The weaker I get the stronger I grow
      it's a paradox to me

     The more I lose the more I've found
     The deeper the silence the greater the sound
     It's only a hill but it's hallowed ground
     it's a paradox to me

She's young at heart but her bones are old                                     
She's patient and kind but a bit of a scold                                                       
She picks me up and she knocks me down
She shatters my world and she turns me around
She hides among the trees and stones
She shifts her shape she changes tones
She's quiet and stern she's a mystery
But her beauty and love flow endlessly                                   

     She's a mother good and true
     In her arms I'm born anew
     Madre Grande I sing for you

     The darker it gets the brighter she shines
     She opens my eyes when I'm willfully blind
     She soothes my soul and she clears my mind
     She's a paradise to me

     The greater her truth the smaller my lie
     She takes away all my alibis
     I'll remember her gift till the day I die
     She's a paradise to me

She's young at heart but her bones are old
She's patient and kind but a bit of a scold
She picks me up and she knocks me down
She shatters my world and she turns me around
She hides among the trees and stones
She shifts her shape she changes tones
She's quiet and stern she's a mystery
But her beauty and love flow endlessly

     She's a mother good and true
     In her arms I'm born anew
     Madre Grande I sing for you


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