Thursday, December 13, 2018


               Geo-Lodge at Madre Grande Monastery

       Experience a sweat lodge in the nurturing environment of Madre Grande and take your personal next step into connecting with your higher self and all your relationships. The lodge will be poured by Monica Maghiar, monk at Madre Grande Monastery.
      The celebration unfolds from 10 am- 5pm, Sunday, December 16  and generally the second or third Sunday of every month in 2019. Contact us on our website if you would like to receive e-mail updates.
Please bring two towels for use in the sweat lodge, a change of clothes that keep you warm (it is getting cold fast in the afternoon), water for hydration, flashlight, hat, chap stick, and a dish to share at potluck. We recommend that participants hydrate really well two, three days before the lodge, during and after the celebration. For first timers we recommend to call for orientation at 619-468-6869. We are thankful for donations and we will not turn down participants for lack of funds.
There are cold water showers at the site.
Please be mindful when you drive on the dirt road that connects highway 94 with the Monastery. More info about how to reach our place at Getting Here

     This event is presented by the Monks of Madre Grande Monastery as a contemporary ceremony using ancient universal methods. It is not a traditional Native American ceremony. We offer the Geo-Lodge as an opportunity to experience personal spiritual growth and healing, and to help re-connect individuals to our Mother Earth. We respect and honor Native American wisdom and spirituality, and in no way presume or claim to offer Native American practices or teachings.

December 21-23, 2018

Winter Solstice ​Gathering

Fun, Festivities, Ceremony, and Celebration
Free camping Friday-Saturday
Theosophical Solstice reading Saturday
Potluck feast Saturday night
(please bring food and non alcoholic beverages to share )

Drumming, dancing, campfire, games
Please leave pets, drugs, and alcohol at home
For details and to RSVP Contact us
       Schedule for Saturday, December 22

11-12 pm Herb Walk

12-1 pm Labyrinth Experience
1-2.30 pm Madre Gardens Walk
2.30-3 pm Snack
3-4 pm History of Madre Grande – Presentation
4-6pm Musical instruments workshop –Rain stick, rattles, sharing of skills,
6-7pm Potluck
7-8pm Mystical Reading on the Winter Solstice
8-until end drumming, dancing, full moon walk, fun

Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 2016 Newsletter

Meditation, Monks, and Monastery Life
A Weekend Spiritual Retreat
Madre Grande Monastery

September 23-25, 2016

A unique opportunity to experience life at Madre Grande and share our Spiritual Journey.

Three days, two nights, five meals, and a varied program of teaching, healing, ceremony, and celebration.

All for only $ 100

Meditation is an effective and useful tool on the Spiritual Path, with proven benefits for physical and mental health.  But meditation can be much more than sitting calmly in a peaceful puddle, as silent and still as "a sack of rice".
          The Monks and Friars of Madre Grande Monastery strive to meditate throughout our daily lives, being mindful of our thoughts and actions and remembering to radiate loving kindness all the time.  We're not perfect, but we're working on it, learning every day to heal ourselves, heal each other, and heal the Earth.  As Monks of the Paracelsian Order, this is our life and our goal.
          We would like to share our methods, thoughts, and experiences with you during a weekend Spiritual Retreat, September 23-25, 2016.  We invite you to join us on our journey toward positive Spiritual Perfection.
          This special weekend retreat is being offered at a very special price of only $100, and includes a two night stay (double occupancy), all meals, and a series of discussions and teachings on meditation and Monastery life. (See schedule below.)
          Space is limited to six participants, so reserve your space as soon as possible.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP and send a $25 nonrefundable deposit (via Paypal, check, or credit card). Check out to share with your friends. Let us know when you will be arriving on Friday, and if you will be sharing dinner with us at 7:00.   The program begins at 8:00, and we hope to see you here.


5:00-6:00 p.m.            Early arrival*
6:00-7:00                    Meditation Hour*
7:00-8:00                    Dinner*
8:00-9:30                    Program Begins
                        Welcome, Introductions, Guided Meditation
                        Program Outline, Monastery Facilities, House Rules
                        History, Purpose, and Future of Madre Grande


8:00-9:00 a.m.            Meditation Hour
9:00-10:00                  Breakfast
10:00-10:50                Meditation in Daily Life
11:00-11:50                Meditation and the Fifth Vow           
12:00-2:00 p.m.         Lunch and Rest Break
2:00-2:50                    Listening to Our Mother
3:00-4:00                    Working With The Vows
4:00-6:00                    Free Time, Wandering, and Exploration
6:00-7:00                    Meditation Hour
7:00-8:00                    Dinner
8:00- end                    Equinox Reading, Drumming and Celebration


8:00-9:00 a.m.            Meditation Hour
9:00-10:00                  Breakfast
10:00-11:00                Healing Garden Experience
11:15-12:00                Sharing and Closing Circle

`           *Optional participation.  Please make prior reservations.

                              Women’s Inipi (Sweat Lodge)

Saturday August 6th 2016, 10am-5pm

Experience healing in a circle of sacred women and sisters, just like you! Learn the wise Medicine Wheel Teachings to release past pain and replace it with joy, confidence and bravery.
Our Lodge leader, Roberta "Mama Bear" Moon, carries ceremonies and teachings from husband Hawk Moon and his family. She has been pouring lodge and sharing teachings for over 20 years. She will be supported by the female members of the Medicine Shield Strong Heart Society committed to keeping the circle safe and prepared for your healing journey. 

Suggestions for an Enriched Day

Please wear a long skirt and a shirt with sleeves and bring a towel for inside the lodge - these items will get dirty. Come hydrated and bring extra water. Please, bring an extra change of clothes and a clean towel (to dry off with) since lodge wear will be wet and muddy. Cold shower and toilet available. Please also bring a dish of your choice for our post lodge potluck (note: we do not provide a way to heat or keep food cold). Suggested donation of $60 will be collected at arrival - cash or check only. Make check out to Roberta Moon.

Item Checklist:
2 towels
Wear a long Skirt and T-Shirt
Extra clothes and jacket
Bottles of water
Favorite dish to share
Donation: cash or check made out to Roberta Moon
Please send any questions via Messenger or call 951/609-1415

                                   Inipi Ceremony Saturday,
                                     July 16 2016 10am-5pm

Traditional Lakota Sweat Lodges take place every third Saturday of the month. Join us for an afternoon of healing and release.
Followed by a pot-luck. Suggested donation is $60.  Learn more @

                                      Let's Connect!

Madre Grande is available to host groups for retreats or workshops. Share your ideas with us and we will work with you! Join our Facebook group.

Visitors and those interested in spiritual retreats are asked to call 619-468-6869 or email for reservations and more information. Thank you for reading our newsletter! Many Blessings from Madre Grande Monastery. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Newsletter May 2016

Meditation, Monks, and Monastery Life
A Weekend Spiritual Retreat
Madre Grande Monastery

June 10-12, 2016

A unique opportunity to experience life at Madre Grande and share our Spiritual Journey.

Three days, two nights, five meals, and a varied program of teaching, healing, ceremony, and celebration.

All for only one hundred bucks!

Meditation is an effective and useful tool on the Spiritual Path, with proven benefits for physical and mental health.  But meditation can be much more than sitting calmly in a peaceful puddle, as silent and still as "a sack of rice".
          The Monks and Friars of Madre Grande Monastery strive to meditate throughout our daily lives, being mindful of our thoughts and actions and remembering to radiate loving kindness all the time.  We're not perfect, but we're working on it, learning every day to heal ourselves, heal each other, and heal the Earth.  As Monks of the Paracelsian Order, this is our life and our goal.
          We would like to share our methods, thoughts, and experiences with you during a weekend Spiritual Retreat, June 10-12.  We invite you to join us on our journey toward positive Spiritual Perfection.
          This special weekend retreat is being offered at a very special price of only $100, and includes a two night stay (double occupancy), all meals, and a series of discussions and teachings on meditation and Monastery life. (See schedule below.)
          Space is limited to six participants, so reserve your space as soon as possible.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP and send a $25 deposit (via Paypal, check, or credit card).  Let us know when you will be arriving on Friday, and if you will be sharing dinner with us at 7:00.   The program begins at 8:00, and we hope to see you here.


5:00-6:00 p.m.                        Early arrival*
6:00-7:00                    Meditation Hour*
7:00-8:00                    Dinner*
8:00-9:30                    Program Begins
                        Welcome, Introductions, Guided Meditation
                        Program Outline, Monastery Facilities, House Rules
                        History, Purpose, and Future of Madre Grande


8:00-9:00 a.m.            Meditation Hour
9:00-10:00                  Breakfast
10:00-10:50                Meditation in Daily Life
11:00-11:50                Meditation and the Fifth Vow           
12:00-2:00 p.m.          Lunch and Rest Break
2:00-2:50                    Are You Secretly A Monk?
3:00-4:00                    Working With The Vows
4:00-6:00                    Free Time, Wandering, and Exploration
6:00-7:00                    Meditation Hour
7:00-8:00                    Dinner
8:00- end                     Drumming and Celebration (Sun Center)


8:00-9:00 a.m.            Meditation Hour
9:00-10:00                  Breakfast
10:00-11:00                Healing Garden Experience
11:15-12:00                Sharing and Closing Circle

`           *Optional participation.  Please make prior reservations.

                              Women’s Inipi (Sweat Lodge)

Saturday June 4th 2016, 10am-5pm

Experience healing in a circle of sacred women and sisters, just like you! Learn the wise Medicine Wheel Teachings to release past pain and replace it with joy, confidence and bravery.
Our Lodge leader, Roberta "Mama Bear" Moon, carries ceremonies and teachings from husband Hawk Moon and his family. She has been pouring lodge and sharing teachings for over 20 years. She will be supported by the female members of the Medicine Shield Strong Heart Society committed to keeping the circle safe and prepared for your healing journey. 

Suggestions for an Enriched Day

Please wear a long skirt and a shirt with sleeves and bring a towel for inside the lodge - these items will get dirty. Come hydrated and bring extra water. Please, bring an extra change of clothes and a clean towel (to dry off with) since lodge wear will be wet and muddy. Cold shower and toilet available. Please also bring a dish of your choice for our post lodge potluck (note: we do not provide a way to heat or keep food cold). Suggested donation of $60 will be collected at arrival - cash or check only. Make check out to Roberta Moon.

Item Checklist:
2 towels
Wear a long Skirt and T-Shirt
Extra clothes and jacket
Bottles of water
Favorite dish to share
Donation: cash or check made out to Roberta Moon
Please send any questions via Messenger or call 951/609-1415

                                   Inipi Ceremony Saturday,
                                               May 21 2016

Traditional Lakota Sweat Lodges take place the third Saturday of the month. Join us for an afternoon of healing and release.
Followed by a pot-luck. Suggested donation is $60.  Learn more @

                                      Let's Connect!

Madre Grande is available to host groups for retreats or workshops. Share your ideas with us and we will work with you! Join our Facebook group.

Visitors and those interested in spiritual retreats are asked to call 619-468-6869 or email for reservations and more information. Thank you for reading our newsletter! Many Blessings from Madre Grande Monastery.